Monday, August 29, 2011


Last Friday to celebrate literacy and numeracy week and the end of our unit ‘Adventure Heroes in Literature’, the students dressed as their favourite hero and all joined in a parade. We had a range of heroes including Princess Jasmine, a ninja turtle, Tinker Bell, Nathan Buckley, Pocahontas, Supergirl, a witch, a cat fairy, SAM I AM, Sleeping Beauty, a princess, a pirate,  Jasmine, a ballerina, Little Red Riding Hood and a Policeman.  The students also wrote some great sentences  and drew some pictures about their hero and what they enjoyed about the week.  



Prep B also won the specialist’s cup for the week which was very exciting !

Saturday, August 13, 2011

100 days in Prep! 

 We celebrated 100 days in prep on Friday the 29th of July. The students had a great time making ‘100s Necklaces’ out of Fruit Loops and Cheerios and making and wearing our ‘100 Mask’ to assembly.  Morning tea was fun too sharing yummy fruit, fairy bread and cupcakes!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Term 3 in Prep B!

Term 3 in Prep B has got off to a great start!  We have been consolidating our knowledge of numbers, revisiting some letters and learning some new ones.  Our class serial is ‘The Lion King’ and we are learning all about heroes and what they are like.