Monday, August 23, 2010

The Great Gingerbread Hunt!

After running around the school for a few days our cheeky gingerbread people have finally been caught! On Friday we made lots of traps and left them in the classroom over lunchtime. When we came back in we were suprised to find both of the missing gingerbread people stuck in the traps. We celebrated by decorating our own gingerbread cookies and then eating them all up - Yum!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Racing the clock

This week we have been measuring time. We have been investigating how many times we can do things in one minute. We counted how many beads we could thread in one minute. We then guessed how many we could do in 2 minutes.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Measuring Mass

This week we have been measuring mass. First we used our hands to compare the mass of different things around the room.  

Then we used the balancing scales to compare the mass of things.

These are kitchen scales. We used these to measure how many grams or kilograms things weigh. We found out that 1000 grams is 1kg. Did you know that elephants weigh around 4000kg? - Wow!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Crazy Capacity

This week we have been using rice, unifix and water to measure and compare the capacity of different containers.