Sunday, October 16, 2011

Footy Week
Footy week was lots of fun! Prep B made a picture graph showing how many students went for each team, they did some footy maths problem solving and made up their own footy teams in pairs including a team name, team colours, team jumper, team mascot and a team chant or song.  The students came up with some creative ideas.  

On Friday it was great to see so many parents come in for the open morning and help their children make footy flags.  The students also all participated in the footy parade, liked playing the range of footy sports in group rotations and many students enjoyed a footy lunch.  

At the end of term 3 we also said farewell to Haoming who has moved schools.  He has been a fantastic member of Prep B! We will miss him but wish him all the best.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Springtime Spectacular!

The students had a wonderful time preparing for and performing in the Springtime Spectacular!  They sang three group songs ‘Another Opening Another Show’, ‘It Could Be A Wonderful World’ and ‘Put On a Happy Face’.  Their class song was ‘Three Little Fishies’.  It was great to see the students’ enthusiasm and it was fantastic to see so many parents there supporting the students.