Sunday, February 27, 2011

We're going on a shape hunt!

Last week we were learning about 2D shapes.  We went on a shape hunt around the school and were amazed at how many shapes we found in our own playground!  We also tried making shapes with our bodies.  We needed 3 people to make a triangle and 4 people to make a rectangle. 

Our Healthy Fruit and Veg People

This term we are learning how to keep ourselves happy and healthy.  An important part of a healthy lifestyle is making sure we eat enough healthy food.  To take a closer look at healthy food options, the children brought to school a selection of fruits and vegetables to school on Friday.  We then used these to create our very own mini healthy people.  Here are some photos of our creations!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Singing at Assembly

On Friday morning all the Preps sang on stage at Assembly.  We performed two short songs - "Days of the Week" and "If You're Friendly".  We are really proud of ourselves for doing such a great job.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting Along

This week we have been talking about ways to make a happy and friendly classroom.  We practised getting along and working in small teams.


We got to meet the grade 4 and 5 buddies on Tuesday.  Here are some photos of us sharing stories together. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our First Day at School!

Our first day at school was very exciting (and hot!).  We have been busy learning the ropes, getting to know each other and finding our way around the school - it's very big!.  So far we have been to Art and Music classes and we have explored the junior school playground.

Here are a few photos of our first day!